Risotto ai funghi

300g fresh mushrooms - Oysters, Chanterelles, Girolles

100g butter

400g risotto rice (Carnaroli or Vialone Nano)

1 white small onion, finely diced

150 ml white wine

2.5 litres water

60g dried porcini added to the water

150g Parmigiano Reggiano (grated)

2 tbsp finely chopped parsley

Salt to taste


Bring the water to boil, then add the dried porcini, leave to simmer for 20 minutes, add the porcini stock cube but just at the last minute because as the stock reduces down it becomes saltier so be careful.

Choose your favourite mushrooms, I like to use, girolles, chanterelles a few oysters and shitake but it very much depends on what mushrooms are available and are fresh. A selection of wild and cultivated works well. Brush the excess dirt off but please do not wash them, then remove the woody stalks. Now tear them with your hands. Mushrooms need to be handled as little as possible

In a wide shallow pan melt 1 tbls of butter and a bit of oil – this will prevent the butter from browning.

Add the prepared mushrooms and fry until golden brown. Try not to move them too much otherwise they will steam rather then take on a nice colour. After a minute add some very finely chopped garlic, continue to cook. Season them. Remove the mushrooms from the pan and set aside.

Using the same pan (do not clean or wipe out) add in another generous tbls of butter and oil, allow to melt but do not brown, add in the finely diced onion and sweat (do not brown).

Add in the rice and coat the rice in the onion and butter mix, do not allow the rice to brown. This is a quick process that should not take more then 30 to 40 seconds.

Add in the white wine and let it evaporate.

Your porcini stock should be already boiling.

Add one large ladle of the boiling porcini stock to your rice and stir immediately until the rice has been absorbed. After about 10 minutes of cooking the cooked mushrooms and continue to add in the stock until the rice is just al dente (this should take about 18 minutes). Your risotto should be soft and creamy now.

When the rice still has a very small pearl of starch in the middle remove from the heat and add one last ladle of stock stir, then add the cheese, finely chopped parsley, stir, then add a small quantity of chilled butter.

Now stir the risotto vigorously with one hand while you shake your pan with the other until you obtain an incredibly creamy risotto. Taste it and add salt if necessary (you may not need it as the cheese is already salty).

Leave to stand for 30 seconds and serve topped with extra grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

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